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Exploring exchanges routes of schist artefacts in Iberian Chalcolithic by micro and non-destructive analytical methods

Entidade Financiadora: Comissão Europeia – Programa HORIZON 2020 – IPERION HS
Referência: 871034 – fi x_123
Instituição Proponente: Instituto Superior Técnico
Unidade de Investigação: Centro de Ciências Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN)
Investigador Responsável: Ana Luísa Rodrigues
Instituições de Colaboração: Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Nucleares (DECN); ERA – Arqueologia S.A.; UNIARQ; Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses; Pre&historic Skills; Centre for Energy Research (Budapeste, Hungria); Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (Budapeste, Hungria);
Estado: Em curso

The Vila Nova de São Pedro (VNSP, Azambuja – Portugal) site is one of the biggest Chalcolithic hilltop settlements of Iberia Peninsula. For the first time, an analytical approach for the study of remarkable schist artefacts found in VNSP will be applied. Using micro and non-destructive methods, the chemical characterization of schist artefacts will be performed. This chemical characterization will be used in provenance studies of this exogenous material. In addition, the interdisciplinary discussion of mobility of people/objects/ideas and interaction network in which site was involved at regional and extra-regional levels, during the chalcolithic period will be performed.
In the framework of this project, the determination of the chemical elements contents of the schist plaques, will contribute to evaluate:
1. the compositional characterization of schist plaques found in VNSP;
2. the provenance of the schist plaques, comparing the results obtained with the previously ones from the IVORIST project (for schist slabs and raw materials from Perdigões and surrounding areas);
3. evaluate probable exchange routes/mobility of the schist plaques between these two important Chalcolithic sites (VNSP and Perdigões) in order to validate and /or contribute to the discussion of provenance issues on both sites.

Placas de Xisto de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Jalhay e Paço, 1945 – adaptado)