Vila Nova de São Pedro, de novo – no 3º milénio é um projecto com diversas valências e campos de acção cujo principal objectivo é realizar a valorização científica, patrimonial e social do povoado fortificado.
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Ficha Técnica · Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses
A multi-analytical approach on Chalcolithic loom weights from Vila Nova de São Pedro (Portugal) and experimental replicas to establish provenance and production technologies
Entidade Financiadora: Comissão Europeia – Programa HORIZON 2020 – IPERION HS
Referência: 871034 – fix_113
Instituição Proponente: Instituto Superior Técnico
Unidade de Investigação: Centro de Ciências Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN)
Investigador Responsável: Rosa Marques
Instituições de Colaboração: Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Nucleares (DECN); UNIARQ; Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses; Pre&historic Skills; Centre for Energy Research (Budapeste, Hungria); Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (Budapeste, Hungria);
Estado: Em curso
Chalcolithic archaeological sites are of crucial relevance in the Iberian Peninsula, and their characterization is of huge importance for the understanding of this period in Iberia.
Vila Nova de São Pedro (VNSP – Azambuja, Portugal), is one of the biggest settlements of Iberian Chalcolithic (3rd millennium cal BC), located on a hilltop surrounded by two streams. It is well-known by the three identified walls, bastions and a high number of archaeological records recovered during the 31 archaeological campaigns directed by Afonso do Paço in 1937-1967 and, since 2017, by the VNSP3000 research project.
More than 800 loom weights, most of them deposited in the Carmo Archaeological Museum (Lisbon, Portugal) were found in VNSP. The high number of loom weights identified lead us to assume that local production of fabrics (cloths and/or strips) would be one of the central economic occupations at the settlement.
The chemical characterization of archaeological loom weights and local raw materials, by using micro and non-destructive methods, will be of great importance for the identification of the raw material used in VNSP. The knowledge of the production techniques, including the firing temperatures, type of firing used, and domestic fire structure using complementary techniques is also a major goal; for this purpose, experimental replicas of the loom weights will also be analyzed.
The archaeometric results will be discussed in the frame of the diverse contexts, chronology, and other types of information like decoration of the artefacts, as well as their use and respective manufacturing process. Relevant information is expected within this project which together with archaeological evidence, will contribute to evaluate the importance of the local textile production, as well as trade, and consumption.