PEREIRA, F.; SILVA, R. J.; SOARES, A. M. M. & ARAÚJO, M. F. (2012) – Estudo arqueometalúrgico de artefactos provenientes do Castro de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Azambuja, Portugal). Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras. 19, Oeiras, p. 163-172.
PEREIRA, F.; SILVA, R. J.; SOARES, A. M. M. & ARAÚJO, M. F. (2013) – The role of arsenic in Chalcolithic copper artefacts e insights from Vila Nova de São Pedro (Portugal). Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, p. 2045-2056.
The Castro of Vila Nova de São Pedro (VNSP) is an emblematic settlement located at Azambuja, Portu-guese Estremadura. It was occupied during the third and second millennia BC, predominantly during the Chalcolithic period. A diversified collection of 53 copper-based artefacts (most part in a fragmentary condition), belonging to an extensive metallic collection recovered during excavations carried out in VNSP, was studied using micro-EDXRF spectrometry, optical microscopy and SEM-EDS. Additionally, Vickers microhardness measurements were performed to establish the effectiveness of the thermo-mechanical treatment in the hardness of the artefacts. Results show that the Largo do Carmo, artefact collection is mainly composed of copper or arsenical copper, being 37% of the artefacts made of copper alloyed with arsenic (As > 2%). A statistically significant association was found between copper alloyed with arsenic and artefacts classified as tools/weapons (arrowheads, daggers and knives). In several cases, the presence of arsenic rich phases in the microstructure, resulting from an inverse segregation phenomenon, shows no evidence of chemical homogeneity control during the artefact manufacture. Microstructural analyses also show that the majority of this group (73%) was shaped with forging plus annealing operation cycles and 23% of the artefacts received a final cold hammering after the forging and annealing. An association between the presence of a final forging treatment and artefacts presenting higher arsenic contents was also identified. Nevertheless, no direct correlation was found between the arsenic content of the alloy and its hardness. Also no direct correlation was found between the hardness and a final forging operation. However, it was observed that a harder forging was applied to the cutting edge of the artefacts and consequently a high hardness in this area was obtained despite the arsenic content of the alloy. Concerning arsenical copper alloys, all evidences point out that the potential for obtaining a harder material was not recognized by the ancient metallurgists and the selection of the alloy was possibly made based on colour.
REBELO, P. (2012) – A indústria em pedra lascada no povoado calcolítico de Vila Nova de São Pedro – Azambuja. Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Teoria e Métodos da Arqueologia pela Universidade do Algarve (policopiado).
Com base na análise sistemática e exaustiva da documentação conservada em diversos arquivos, foi possível reconstituir a sequência das escavações realizadas no povoado calcolitico fortificado de Vila Nova de São Pedro entre 1937 e 1967, correspondendo às intervenções de Eugénio Jalhay e Afonso do Paço e, depois, apenas deste último. Abordar‑se-ão, sucessivamente, os diversos aspectos relativos à realização dos trabalhos de campo, através da caracterização: dos processos de autorização para a realização das escavações; dos apoios financeiros e dos seus requisitos; dos apoios logísticos e da metodologia utilizada para a sua obtenção; da relação com os arqueólogos portugueses da época.
RODRIGUES, Ana Luísa; MARQUES, Rosa; DIAS, Maria Isabel; PRUDÊNCIO, Maria Isabel; RUSSO, Dulce; DINIZ, Mariana; MARTINS, Andrea; NEVES, César; KASZTOVSZKY, Zsolt; HARSÁNYI; Ildiko; SZILÁGYI, Veronika; KOVÁCS, Imre; SZÕKEFALVI-NAGY, Zoltán (2022) – Fingerprinting pre-historical symbolic artefacts by a non-destructive methodological approach, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Springer, 1588-2780. DOI:
RYAN-DESPRAZ, Jessica (2022) – Pratice and Prestige: An Exploration of Neolithic Warfare, Bell Beaker Archery, and Social Stratification from an Anthropological Perspective. Archaeopress Archaeology, 136p. DOI: 10.32028/9781803270524
SANTOS, N. C. (1994), “Povoamento Calcolítico na Estremadura. Problemas da análise de distribuição espacial”, Trabalhos de Arqueologia 7 – Origens, Estruturas e Relações das Culturas Calcolíticas da Península Ibérica: actas das Iª jornadas de Torres Vedras, 3-5 de Abril de 1987, Lisboa, IPPAR., p.141-148.
SAVORY, H. N. (1970) – A section through the innermost rampart of the chalcolithic castro of Vila Nova de S. Pedro, Santarem (1959). Actas das I Jornadas Arqueológicas. 1. Lisboa, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, p.133‑148.
SAVORY, H. N. (1974) – Espanha e Portugal. Colecção História Mundi: 14, Lisboa, Verbo.
PEREIRA, F.; SILVA, R. J.; SOARES, A. M. M. & ARAÚJO, M. F. (2012) – Metallurgical production evidence in Castro de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Azambuja, Portugal), Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium for Archaeometry, Leuven, p. 96-101.
PEREIRA, F.; SILVA, R. J.; SOARES, A. M. M. & ARAÚJO, M. F. (2012) – Estudo arqueometalúrgico de artefactos provenientes do Castro de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Azambuja, Portugal). Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras. 19, Oeiras, p. 163-172.
PEREIRA, F.; SILVA, R. J.; SOARES, A. M. M. & ARAÚJO, M. F. (2013) – The role of arsenic in Chalcolithic copper artefacts e insights from Vila Nova de São Pedro (Portugal). Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, p. 2045-2056.
The Castro of Vila Nova de São Pedro (VNSP) is an emblematic settlement located at Azambuja, Portu-guese Estremadura. It was occupied during the third and second millennia BC, predominantly during the Chalcolithic period. A diversified collection of 53 copper-based artefacts (most part in a fragmentary condition), belonging to an extensive metallic collection recovered during excavations carried out in VNSP, was studied using micro-EDXRF spectrometry, optical microscopy and SEM-EDS. Additionally, Vickers microhardness measurements were performed to establish the effectiveness of the thermo-mechanical treatment in the hardness of the artefacts. Results show that the Largo do Carmo, artefact collection is mainly composed of copper or arsenical copper, being 37% of the artefacts made of copper alloyed with arsenic (As > 2%). A statistically significant association was found between copper alloyed with arsenic and artefacts classified as tools/weapons (arrowheads, daggers and knives). In several cases, the presence of arsenic rich phases in the microstructure, resulting from an inverse segregation phenomenon, shows no evidence of chemical homogeneity control during the artefact manufacture. Microstructural analyses also show that the majority of this group (73%) was shaped with forging plus annealing operation cycles and 23% of the artefacts received a final cold hammering after the forging and annealing. An association between the presence of a final forging treatment and artefacts presenting higher arsenic contents was also identified. Nevertheless, no direct correlation was found between the arsenic content of the alloy and its hardness. Also no direct correlation was found between the hardness and a final forging operation. However, it was observed that a harder forging was applied to the cutting edge of the artefacts and consequently a high hardness in this area was obtained despite the arsenic content of the alloy. Concerning arsenical copper alloys, all evidences point out that the potential for obtaining a harder material was not recognized by the ancient metallurgists and the selection of the alloy was possibly made based on colour.
REBELO, P. (2012) – A indústria em pedra lascada no povoado calcolítico de Vila Nova de São Pedro – Azambuja. Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Teoria e Métodos da Arqueologia pela Universidade do Algarve (policopiado).
RIBEIRO, Maria (2013) – O Povoado Calcolítico fortificado de Vila Nova de São Pedro (Azambuja) – Historiografia das escavações realizadas. Contributo para a sua salvaguarda. Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Estudos do Património, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa (policopiado).
RIBEIRO, Maria; CARDOSO, João Luís (2013) – “Três décadas de escavações em Vila Nova de São Pedro (1937‑1967)“. ARNAUD, MARTINS e NEVES (coords.) Arqueologia em Portugal – 150 Anos. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, Lisboa, p.39-47.
Com base na análise sistemática e exaustiva da documentação conservada em diversos arquivos, foi possível reconstituir a sequência das escavações realizadas no povoado calcolitico fortificado de Vila Nova de São Pedro entre 1937 e 1967, correspondendo às intervenções de Eugénio Jalhay e Afonso do Paço e, depois, apenas deste último. Abordar‑se-ão, sucessivamente, os diversos aspectos relativos à realização dos trabalhos de campo, através da caracterização: dos processos de autorização para a realização das escavações; dos apoios financeiros e dos seus requisitos; dos apoios logísticos e da metodologia utilizada para a sua obtenção; da relação com os arqueólogos portugueses da época.
RODRIGUES, Ana Luísa; MARQUES, Rosa; DIAS, Maria Isabel; PRUDÊNCIO, Maria Isabel; RUSSO, Dulce; DINIZ, Mariana; MARTINS, Andrea; NEVES, César; KASZTOVSZKY, Zsolt; HARSÁNYI; Ildiko; SZILÁGYI, Veronika; KOVÁCS, Imre; SZÕKEFALVI-NAGY, Zoltán (2022) – Fingerprinting pre-historical symbolic artefacts by a non-destructive methodological approach, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Springer, 1588-2780.
RODRIGUES, Ana L.; MARQUES, Rosa; DIAS, Maria I.; PRUDÊNCIO, Maria I.; MARTINS, Andrea; DINIZ, Mariana; NEVES, César & ARNAUD, José M (2024) – SYMBOLART – abordagem metodológica não invasiva para a caracterização de artefactos simbólicos de Vila Nova de São Pedro. DINIZ, Mariana; MARTINS, Andrea; NEVES, César & ARNAUD, José M. (Eds.) Vila Nova de São Pedro e o Calcolítico no Ocidente Peninsular 2. estudos & memórias 23. Lisboa: UNIARQ/FL-UL, p.239-247.
RYAN-DESPRAZ, Jessica (2022) – Pratice and Prestige: An Exploration of Neolithic Warfare, Bell Beaker Archery, and Social Stratification from an Anthropological Perspective. Archaeopress Archaeology, 136p.
DOI: 10.32028/9781803270524
SANTOS, N. C. (1994), “Povoamento Calcolítico na Estremadura. Problemas da análise de distribuição espacial”, Trabalhos de Arqueologia 7 – Origens, Estruturas e Relações das Culturas Calcolíticas da Península Ibérica: actas das Iª jornadas de Torres Vedras, 3-5 de Abril de 1987, Lisboa, IPPAR., p.141-148.
SAVORY, H. N. (1970) – A section through the innermost rampart of the chalcolithic castro of Vila Nova de S. Pedro, Santarem (1959). Actas das I Jornadas Arqueológicas. 1. Lisboa, Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, p.133‑148.
SAVORY, H. N. (1974) – Espanha e Portugal. Colecção História Mundi: 14, Lisboa, Verbo.
SAVORY, H., (1983-84) Um corte através da fortificação interior do Castro Calcolítico de VNSP (1959), trad. João Carlos de Senna-Martinez, Clio Arqueologia, nº 1-2, Lisboa: UNIARQ, p. 19-29.
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